2023-2024 Executive Board
President: Carla Breaux
Executive Vice-President: Lina Morita
Vice President Programs: Lina Morita
Recording Secretary: Barbara Belew
Treasurer: Annette Larsen
Webmaster: Carla Breaux
Corresponding Secretary: Jessica Dupuis
Committee Chairs
Certification: Mary Etherton
Historian: Jessica Dupuis
Membership: Lisa Sober
Publicity: Barbara Belew
Yearbook: Gwen Auld
Halloween Play-a-thon: Jessica Dupuis, Carla Breaux
Rally: Carla Breaux, Jessica Dupuis
NFMC West Teche Festival: Lisa Sober
(NFMC, Keyboard Hymn Playing Festival and National Guild of Piano Teachers are organizations separate from MTNA & LCPTA. However, many of us participate in these, and their contacts are important to us.)